
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Men with Big Lenses, Val style dressAnd , and the environment at the Art Festival

OK, So we went to the arts festival, and there is always such a wide range and variety of people there. My eye was caught by these guys, one was walking towards the other and , you know how when a guy takes a double take when he looks at a pretty girl's rear-end going past him?, well that's what these guys did to their CAMERAS!! It was the funniest thing EVER! The one guy turned to the other and said, hey that's a great lens!, the guy answered, yeah, it yadda yadda, yadda...anyways then they carried on a total lens related conversation.
 Then Val spotted this dress, cute!! Maxi must be in this summer!

And I totally appreciate the art of recycling and the art of composting. The food served on culinary row was all served in cups & plates that are 100% compostable, 100% biodegradable. Look....
Well Done Arts Fest folks!!!

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