
Monday, April 23, 2012

Laminating Experience

About a month or two ago, I got this little laminating machine at our local Aldi's Store. It cost about $20. I have never had a laminating machine before. But you know those recipe card swaps...Recipe swap...well I thought it was a good price.
So away we go!

The machine came with "pouches" I think they're more like folders...anyways, put your paper in the folder and slip it into the top of the machine. It pulls it through the heated machine and
Spits it out for you all done! WOW!

That worked really well! I'm pretty impressed since it didn't cost much and came with folders to laminate 5X7 and regular paper size and little business card size. I did some of my recipe cards for the upcoming swap in 5X7 folders and in regular size folders-I put 3 in the bigger size. Then I just cut them apart with scissors. All Done!! SO now I'm all enthusiastic-and I ordered extra folders for cheap from Amazon...I'll see how they are and let you know!

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