
Sunday, February 23, 2014


 I was reading my local paper and saw this item.....

Robert McKevitt was working the second shift at Polaris Industries’ warehouse in Milford IA, when he decided to break for a snack last fall.
He says he deposited $1 in a vending machine, selected a 90-cent Twix bar, and then watched as the candy bar crept forward in its slot, began its descent and was abruptly snagged by a spiral hook that held it suspended in midair.
“I was, like, ‘Oh, man,’ ” said McKevitt, 27. “So I put in another dollar, and then it wouldn’t do anything.”
At first, McKevitt’s frustration took the customary route: He banged the side of the machine. He tried rocking it back and forth.
But when that didn’t work, McKevitt walked away and commandeered an 8,000-pound forklift, according to state unemployment compensation records.
He reportedly drove up to the vending machine, lifted it 2 feet off the concrete warehouse floor — then let it drop. He allegedly repeated the maneuver at least six times, by which time three candy bars had fallen into the chute for his retrieval.
When a supervisor confronted him, McKevitt allegedly explained he was simply trying to get the snack he had paid for.
He was fired five days later.

Really-fired? Come on-isn't that problem solving at its best?

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