
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Learning about Planes

So, I'm done clearing out sheds for friends!! I have a box of woodworking planes I've been learning about.
 Google is a wonderful thing! This is the Ohio Tool company...1823-1920, they made a lot of things.
 The Sandusky Tool Company 1869-1929. Seems like Ohio was a hotbed for wood working planes.
 A Howland & Co NY. Very pretty little wood plane.

 Auburn Tool Co, Auburn NY, looks like I spoke too soon... the New Yorkers are making planes aplenty too! Apparently the Auburn Company was making lots of woodworking tools utilizing the local prison population for labor.
 There are also some D.R. Barton planes too.
 Cute little Stanley metal plane was tucked into the box too. .
 Here's an unusual tool. Google tells me about the name on it , A H Reid Phil'a PA Patd Dec 12,1882, and that it's an Archemedian screw driver or drill.
 See it extends the full length of the tool. Then it would allow the user to screw (or drill) fast! Google says it is likely a “REID’S LIGHTNING BRACE”
 Interesting stuff isn't it?
 Some little wood chisels are in the box too. and I think this is some kind of honing stone
SO now I just need to decide how or where to sell these little beauties! But for today, it's a day off!!

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