
Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekly Quilt A Long

So  over at the Moda Bake Shop they offered a weekly quilt a long. They post a block every week and when it's all through you have a quilt. 
 Moda Bakeshop Week One---Here's the link if you want to see it.
 Here are my past weeks blocks. It's been kind of a mystery block too, since they don't really show you what the finished quilt looks like exactly.
I had a few yards of the gold fabric to get started and I added another gold fabric to it to have enough-it's a pretty big quilt to make. 

And there have been quite a few little problems with the whole thing really. One week the host said she would post an alternate block , because so many people were having trouble with it, 
then never did, but I'm plowing on.
 And I should have known it was a bad deal, when it started off with the poor directions saying "Use a scant 1/4" seam" Scant...that's BS in my opinion, it's either a quarter inch or not! Scant...I call BS!!
 Just a few more weeks and I'll have all the blocks done! I'll not do another one like this again!!

Grrr, scant! Never again!!!!

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