SO since the weather cooled down a bit, we took our summer pilgrimage to the drive in in Newton Iowa. The Valle Drive In is about an hour from our house and a good place to see a movie.
There was a pretty large crowd to see The Dark Knight Rises with Dark Shadows for the double feature. Just so you don't think the drive in is a fancy schmancy place, it's likely the only place you'll see the pack & play baby crib nestled between a Jeep and a mini van.

So at intermission Ben was checking his phone and we agreed, it wasn't that good. Sorry Christian Bale. 
Really I was so disappointed to see so few cool "toys"! Batman has a utility belt full of great toys, not this time though-oh sure a couple of bat-arangs, and one toss out the hospital window to see Commissioner Gorden. BA-not cool enough! The bat cycle was tired, and I could go with out Batman pummeling Bane over and over agian! It was so out of character! AND speaking of out of character...Batman has a quickie on the floor in front of the fireplace with...Oh I better not say...but Batman has a higher moral standard than that! No fooling around, Batman!! And as much as I love Ann Hathaway-and she did look very shapely in her cat suit, her character had such a horrible script.....she could have been ANYONE! Poor Ann, I say! I did like Micheal Caine as Alfred-even though he totally needed a mustache. I really hated the villain guy- he made no sense, his voice was almost unintelligible, and while him and Batman were pounding on each other-for waaaay more time than necessary-, why didn't Batman just rip his weirdo face mask thingy right off and be done with it?And the worst thing of all.....BATMAN'S VOICE!! AGGHHWWGGGHHHHH!!! Please!!!! he sounded like a pervert making an obscene phone call after smoking 27 packs of Camel non-filters. And don't even get me started with the story line...I can forgive a lot-it is a comic book after all, but really this was so not good.At least the popcorn was delicious!
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