Both were on my must have list for my latest BIG IDEA.
I decided for an Outreach Project supported by my local church, Oxford United Methodist we would sew pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer and we would do it at the Farmer's market!
I loaded up my nifty chairs, table, sewing machines, ironing board and headed to the park!
Did I mention what a great outfit the ConKerr cancer folks are? They aren't into the whole "send us money" deal, instead, they say, sew us a pillowcase and donate it to your local coordinator for distribution in your local area. What a concept!!
"Our fuel is love – ConKerr is fueled by a simple act of love – making a pillowcase for a sick child struggling with cancer or another life changing illness. Everything else is details." from
I precut the fabric to the size suggested at the ConKerr Cancer website. I de-stashed some fabric from my own "collection" and Pastor Diane also liberated some from her "personal fabric store". We had 23 pillowcases ready to sew. I sewed a few for display examples and then we sewed 10 pillowcases during the farmer's market! 

It was a beautiful day at the Farmer's Market with some wonderful music to sew by, and we will be doing it again next week to finish off the fabric. Here's the link to the Oxford Farmer's Market. Come see us on Monday August 19 from 4-6 pm. You can sew too!
What fabulous finds for a great price!! And to put them to a good and worthy cause!! The Lord knew just what you needed that are a precious soul to donate your time for such a worthy cause! I know...I have lived with the "C" Blessings to you~~~Roxie
Oh thank you Roxie, it's such a small thing to do! Blessings to you!
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