So I did some running around yesterday. I rearranged the tables at my church for the upcoming supper, looks good I think...
And as I was leaving I glanced across the street and saw this...
Yup, a flying house...
not really flying, the owners had a fire caused by a lightening strike, and decided while they were renovating after that disaster, they might as well raise the house and make a full basement.
Later I stopped over at Sharpless auctions. They had a ton of what we like to call OPJ. That's Other Peoples Junk.
A ton of Tupperware...
Have I told you what DD says about Tupperware and the like? She says, "Mom, people bring in "samples" all the time and then they ask for their Tupperware back. Never buy used Tupperware."
So, you know every time I see a ton of Tupperware, I think of DD and her patients "samples".And her advice, I guess she's right you never know what's been in there.
Anyways, there was a ton of stuff, but nothing I wanted to bid on really.
Boy, I really slacked on the pictures didn't I? There's 3 building full of stuff and I only manage to take pictures of glassware and Tupperware....jeez!!!
omg mom! my face is red!
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