it;'s snowing again. So instead of going any place I decided to
complete a little project that my Mom started. See Sandy likes the snow. 

She made this pretty Amy Butler weekender tote bag. But she had trouble with the piping on one corner. SO I cleared off my big sewing machine-Amy Butler has a lot of heft in this bag.
I opened the seam and found that I needed to smoosh a little extra into the curve. Not an easy I smooshed, and eased and worked and sewed and un sewed.....
I spent about THREE HOURS on this one little corner!!!!! I think it is now a little bit better, but falls into the "what can you live with" category. I stuffed a pillow and two blankets in it and it looks pretty good. I can live with it, I sure hope Mom can too!
I think I'll pass on Amy Butler's weekender, I saw some bloggers who were making this bag awhile back..I bet not all of them got finished. Well Mom finished hers!! YAY for Mom!
This one is finished! Come and pick it up Mom!
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