So, I had one last return to make from Christmas gift giving. The snow pants I bought for DD didn't fit, so off I go to The Kohl's store. Lookie what I got for me and and uber son! I got new shoes! I'm ready to skip along the streets of Minneapolis in March, and Uber son got a new pair of Levis. Thanks DD, you got us some nice presents! Hahaha!!

See, I added a little bracket to hold the shelf steady. I just screwed it right into the wall. Let me just remind myself that having to use tools left handed and under eye level is a challenge. But I got it done!
And lastly, Santa is all wrapped up for the season. I was looking for a good way to store Ol' St. Nick, and these bags were some samples we got in at work and were going to throw away! Perfect fit for the jolly Big man!
I like it when I get all these little things done! 

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