
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

At the Kiwanis Antique Show

 Saturday morning DD and me made our annual visit to the Kiwanis Antique Show at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Iowa City, Iowa. It was crowded! The weather was so nice and I'm always glad when there's a good turnout for the vendors.
 Gotta love the quilts-vintage or not!  There was so much to see, I hope next year they think about expanding in to two buildings. It was pretty hard to get a picture of some pretty cool things.
 Love that industrial stool. And that window-I think I need to find an old window to hang in Bob & Ben's room.
 I thought these watermelon plates were pretty cool! Who knew there was such a thing!
 See that Troll House? I remember a dear friend of mine had one of those when  we were kids! It was a place for all of your troll dolls to live in a handy little carrying case. Hadn't seen one in years!!
There was lots of glassware-can you imagine packing up all this glass if it doesn't sell? What a nightmare-I'd surely break all of it! DD loves that old turquoise color stuff-I think it's because of the roosters on it..HAHA, NOT! I did buy her a Jane Ray Jadeite bowl for her birthday, $18, and that was a pretty good deal I guess. I'm so glad the season has kind of begun for auctions and antique shows. It's good to get out among the people!

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