
Friday, October 22, 2021

Look What I finished!

 But first, did I show you this CUTE picnic box my DD got for me? I LOVE it! I'm kind of moving away from the woven picnic baskets...oh who am I kidding...I'll still get one once in awhile. Anyways, I keep seeing these excellent metal baskets. I can remember as a little kid, my great grands had a basket similar to this. What a good kid to pick it up for me!
Sew, I started cutting up some scrap boxes are just stuffed! I saw this cute pattern in the latest Love of Quilting magazine. It's called Zipped Up.

SO I dug into my scrap bins and started cutting-a lot of cutting! 

And a lot of easy sewing. Just a light and a dark sewn with a cut off corner......those corners, sometimes I just cut them off and throw them away, other times......
I sew two lines of stitching and cut them off so I have a pile of HSTs.  Just what I need another project! HA! 
I'm loving this! I love a scrappy quilt. I'm not always crazy about white backgrounds, but this is good. 
I used a variety of white and white tone on tone/low volume prints instead of solid white. Use those scraps!
Bob has approved the layout! SO sew it up and it's out to the garage door for spray basting!
It's a nice day-cool and I got out before the sun came over the top of the garage.
Since I'm in the shade, it's not as bright looking as it is in real life. 
Every time I do this with the magnets on the garage door, I think what a genius idea I had!
The absolutely best way to baste a quilt in my opinion!
There! All done! Look at that free motion quilting! I dared to NOT meander! I went down the center of the blocks diagonally, then made a little bow tie loop on each side of the light and dark blocks too.
Mmmmm, those are good looking corners I think!
I had this backing in the stash-DD hates it, I had purchased it for another quilt and then chose a different one, but it works so great with this quilt!
I tried to get a nice shot in the sun, but it was just too overcast and shady.

This looks pretty good out on the deck. 
And the whole finished thing on the garage door. 
I am really loving this finished quilt. I used the 80-20 batting and it's very soft. Now I 'm thinking about Christmas. I have quite a few Christmas prints in my stash......hmmmmmm

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