Look at all the rakes!!!
I thought this was a unique sled, check out that steering!
Lots of old style steel blade fans and just a lot of stuff in general!

I wanted this table! Look at those hairpin legs! Oh I want those legs!!!! Wouldn't they just look great in front of the blue wall on a narrower table? Yes they would!
More stuff, I was surprised that those copper teakettles couldn't get a bid, they had to heap a pile of stuff with them to get them sold. maybe they aren't really copper.

So finally, they are getting close to my table, they try to sell a table and chairs set and can't get a bid, so they add a cabinet and still can't get a bid...oh NO! they add my table and I gotta bid! Oh No!!!
Yup, I got this table and two chairs and the cabinet, AND MY TABLE! YAY!! for my table, the rest, not so much...but on the upside, I got it all for only $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at this link Hairpin Legs, see those legs are $19 EACH! I got gorgeous 26" legs for less than $1.25 each! Plus I got a table and two chairs and a cabinet! And a big table top too! SO there!!!
Such A DEAL!!!
OK, I didn't take a picture of the glider seat at the auction, but it looked a lot like this one (picture from uship.com) except it was painted green and in really great condition. SO I thought that it was a really cool seat, would look good on our porch. Let's see what that goes for. Bidding starts at $50, and a guys goes $100, and a lady goes $200, and I go, WOW! and a guy goes $300, and the lady says $325 and the guy goes $350 and the auctioneer says SOLD! So if you see a seat like this and get it for $50 buy it I guess!
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