
Friday, March 17, 2017

New Guy

So, DD...I think I'll stop calling her DEAR!.... and her fella, BJ had a dog follow them home. Apparently the dog had been seen running free for several days and couldn't be caught by authorities.  Of course the dog is smart and follows good people (and dogs) home. 
He is a good looking young boy. So DD brings him to our house...
 The dog has an immediate bond for Hubs. We have decided to name him Ringo. He has a dark ring around his tail. Also he looks a lot like an American Dingo, AKA Carolina Dog. Interesting stuff about Carolina Dogs here....Blogger Bitter Southerner-Carolina Dogs
 So we're getting used to having another dog around...Sandy is not a big fan...but he really is a good dog, already housebroke and a very nice personality.
 And he is a really pretty dog too. Now for the vet appointments. He's an intact male so you know what that means!

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