
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I80 One Stop Shop

I dragged Darling Daughter out to the I80 One Stop Shop at the Clarion Hotel in Iowa City. They had quite a few quilt shops with displays.
 It was terrible weather on Sunday, but the plows had the roads cleared and I snow blowered the drive way and off we went-the vendors were very attentive! When there's no one out they love the few folks like us who are!
 Love looking at all the displays! So much inspiration!
 Lots of unique ideas to see, and it seems like the trend is digital printed fabric-very bright and vibrant colors and details.
 I bought the Double Wide Dresden Ruler and Book by Me & My Sister Designs.

 Here's the sample I whipped up. Hmmm, I guess I better get busy and make a bunch of these!

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