
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Farmer's Market Week 6

Well I know a couple of love to punch paper, even big kids love to punch paper, and I'm so glad it wasn't hot at the farmer's market this week but it WAS REALLY WINDY!. Kathy cooked for the market this week, I had a really delish walking taco. And I had a ton of kids today too! YAY!! We made 4th of July Decor. Cute, huh? And live music again with a really good trio of Christian rockers. They were really quite good-I'm thinking we need to get them for VBS?! I can't believe I didn't get a picture of them...slacker!!LOL!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rainy night at the Drive in
look I took a video of rain at the drive in! It ends because the movie actually stopped during the worst of the storm! Still gotta LOVE CARS!

Yard Sale Saturday!

So we had a lot of donations for the church yard sale. I gotta say this lamp got the most comments! I finally sold it for a dollar!! Ben & Diane were trying to sell it here and were having no luck! We got a little rain so cut it a bit short but we still made $130. That should take care of VBS for this year!

Friday, June 24, 2011

At Last It's Done

This was the fabric from HELL=-O!! Those dogs were printed on the fabric so crooked it was impossible to get them straight without cutting almost on the bias!! So I just made them wonky! And threw away the scraps-I never want to see it again!!!
Here's the back
And the front and 
after a wash
It looks great! But I never want Debbie Mumm dogs again!!!!
I know DD's BIL & SIL will love it.

Farmer's market week 5

I tried to make a video this week see...

I love the live music. We made paper helicopters and colored birds with a very nice group of kiddles.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Outreach program seating

So I saw this blog and these cute little stools and thought-hey those would be cute for the older kids at Farmer's market! So I got the stuff at Menard's. 
Here's the finished project from the crafty clever person at Simple Simon & Co.

And here's mine.
Well I guess it's all right, we'll see if any kids sit on it. I can think of a couple of improvements too! There's no way it can fold flat because the two vertical side are the same height. I think one side should be smaller so it will lay flat when folded. It only took about 45 mins to cut and assemble so it was a quick project!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rained Out

No Outreach at the farmer's market this week -last week I tried out the new little's cute isn't it, KMart only 19.99 AND MADE IN THE USA!!!!!! We made pinwheels. I had a ton of kids. It was fun!
There was a short but strong storm on Monday look, here's a tree down as we were traveling to North Liberty.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Men with Big Lenses, Val style dressAnd , and the environment at the Art Festival

OK, So we went to the arts festival, and there is always such a wide range and variety of people there. My eye was caught by these guys, one was walking towards the other and , you know how when a guy takes a double take when he looks at a pretty girl's rear-end going past him?, well that's what these guys did to their CAMERAS!! It was the funniest thing EVER! The one guy turned to the other and said, hey that's a great lens!, the guy answered, yeah, it yadda yadda, yadda...anyways then they carried on a total lens related conversation.
 Then Val spotted this dress, cute!! Maxi must be in this summer!

And I totally appreciate the art of recycling and the art of composting. The food served on culinary row was all served in cups & plates that are 100% compostable, 100% biodegradable. Look....
Well Done Arts Fest folks!!!

Art Festival

I Love ART!

  Love the colors......
and the textures....

The mediums & materials.....
 The creativity...
 The beauty.....

the style, and the 


But not the price tags.....
 Old Capital viewed from the culinary row......

Yes, the two best-ees!