
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This One Is Done....I Think

 So I had trouble with this design. I posted on the FB Group page for Quilt path and here's what happened....

Well Thanks ! SO I was already pretty deep into this design-I wasn't waiting all day  ya know!!
So every place there are those blue dots, it would stop and start over, so I was reaching under and cutting the bobbin thread while the design moved to it's next location.
And I got through the dang thing and I like the design but....
As I was working to find a solution, I ran the pattern and then when I was all done I went and ripped out all the extra stitching! What else could I do!?

Look at all those wrong lines of stitching!
It's DONE!
I like the batik fabrics. Most of them are from the All Iowa Shop Hop this past summer. And the pattern is from the Shop Hop magazine from 2019. 
Here's the pattern.

And here's the back! Iris is helping.....

I like the 1980's vibe.

It looks great, but that stitching is going to be the death of me. I have a feeling I'm going to need to go in and re-stitch a few of those ends. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

I knocked my Weekend To-Do List Out!

 So, I got a lot done on Sunday!  I've been wanting to get this quilt on Freddie, and I did-more about that later....

I was wanting to get this little dress done too. One of Darling Daughter's co workers has a niece that is in the hospital and she wanted a cute dress with access to the shoulders to allow her care providers easy access to her port.

 I love this tie shoulder dress, I remember my younger sister had one in this pattern when she was maybe 3 or 4 years old.

Anyways, I hope the dress fits ok and she get through with her treatments FAST!

And then almost two weeks ago, I ordered a new part for the weed eater. Our Dewalt weed eater had the guard fall off. Look at this picture! The old one is sitting on top of the new one! WOW! I think that's a big improvement! The little screw holes lined up perfectly, so now we're ready for my gardener to go!

I also got the bedroom carpet vacuumed-I mean really! See Ringo sleeps on the floor in there and he sheds like no other. I swear I had a hair toupee on my carpet.  I didn't take pictures of that...too much information! 

Plus I got laundry done too!

On Saturday I went to Cedar Rapids to Odd Mama's Flea Market. 

It was a beautiful day! A little breezy, but nice! Lots of booths were set up and I had a great time browsing!
Lots of stuff to see!
And one picnic basket came home with me. It's a beaut isn't it!
So A good weekend overall!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Another Finish

My sweet neighbor sent me a text reminding me to help myself to the tomatoes from her garden, there were some escaping to our side of the fence! And she left me an eggplant too!
Yum! Hubs will make me something delicious from this!

Meanwhile I shopped my stash in an effort to make a neutral quilt for one of DD's work friends. 
I used the Transport pattern from Villa Rosa-same one I used for the Caitlyn Clark quilt. 
And I chose a swirly design for Freddie to quilt out.
I did a much better job -I might finally be getting the hang of it!
Here it is all finished.
It was a little breezy on the deck.
And Ringo helped.

It's OK, I'm not really excited about it though.

The back is the best part. 
I love this minky type of fabric with the wildlife scenes on it. 

The little squirrels, and hedgehog...sooo cute!

So all in all a pretty nice quilt. It will be cozy this winter, whoever gets it!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Getting Stuff Done

Have you noticed that it's impossible to find green Kool Aid anywhere?! Green is our favorite! SO I broke down and ordered from Amazon! It cost about double what Kool Aid costs in out local stores, but it's worth it! 
This little guy was here the other day for a while.  

He thinks Rosie the robot vacuum is his toy-he's getting better about leaving her alone.

Now I'm almost done with all the fabric from my shop hopping this past summer.  I'm pondering the Shop Hop Exclusive fabric right now. 

It's really beautiful batik fabric. I think I'm going to look through the past issues of the shop hop magazine and see if I can spot a good pattern for it. 

 And here's a another finish!

The big I quilt. 
I got this kit from K&K Logo Designs in Dyersville. I switched out one of the hawkeye prints for a lighter one I had on hand. 
And it's backed with some fluffy fleece. 
Joann had the fleece on sale for crazy cheap, like $3 a yard or something.
I Downloaded the quilting design and it worked out really well. 
I struggled with the thread tension a little bit, but in the end it looks really good!

Not sure where this one will end up, but it is done!