
Saturday, March 22, 2025

It's Spring

This little fella was here last week when it was 70 degrees outside!  He's setting the rocks free through the fence wire...I told him he's going to have to pick up those rocks!

And no matter where he is he takes his shoes off.

And the first swing of 2025.

He had a great day! 

Then on Friday we got this! A new Refrigerator! Look at this post from 2009, You see how long our last fridge lasted and it was still going pretty well. But I felt like if we waited too long we'd be paying A LOT more, and the people, who think they know. say a refrigerator should only last 15 years max, and we're past that so it was time! I was torn between the Whirlpool and the LG, but chose the Whirlpool. Partly because of the way the political climate is, I wonder if I could get parts in the future for the LG. Heck I might have the same issue with this one, but it is what it is!

Look at all the space for all the stuff!
I chose this Whirlpool model because it has the ice maker completely in the door freeing up another shelf in the freezer. And the water filter is in the top of the refrigerator side, so I don't have to get on the floor to change it!
I kind of shoved all the stuff back in the new freezer, because I didn't want it to start to thaw!
I like the ice and water on the door-once you have that, you'll never want it anywhere else I think!
She's a beaut-and the delivery was great. I ordered it on line from Costco-so delivery and set up and take away the old one,  was included. Now the secret- There's a dent in the back of it. Our delivery fellas said they unpacked it in the truck and saw the dent, so they asked us if we wanted to refuse it or call Costco and see if they'd knock off a little from the price. 
Well by then I had my counter and a big cooler and then some, full of food waiting to go into it's new home! 
Here's the dent.
It's at the back at the bottom.  We talked it over and decided it would not affect the operation of the refrigerator, so let's see if Costco will give a a little deal.
This little dent saved us $200, so the fridge was on special for $999.99 so with tax it came to  $1059.97. Minus a $200 dent,  we got a deal for only $859.97. 


Friday, March 14, 2025

Music and a Finish

So last week was Drew's kindergarten music event. It was very clear that singing in a group is not Drew's thing. He stood there perfectly well, and yawned and did not even sing a not or make a motion. Oh Well.
It was so cute! The theme was Under the Sea, so all the songs they sang were ocean themed. I made them line up for a quick photo-you see how that went!
And in other news I finished a baby quilt too!

I had the blue puppy fabric in my stash for a while so I paired it with a little red and white to make this cute quilt. Here's a link to the quilt pattern I used  From Sew Can She.
I set it up on Freddie and chose a heart motif. I t came out really good! I'm getting better at making the design end up where it's supposed to!
Ringo is my quilting pal-face it he's a velcro dog. 

I took it outside for a picture-it was a little windy.

It looks like something else with the sun shining through it.
You can however see that I pieced the back with dots and dogs, and I got the seams lined up really well!

In for a quick rinse and spin and dry and it's great!
No bleeding of the red, no loose stitches, all good! Ready for Darling Daughter to gift to a co worker.


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Bonnie K Hunter Mystery Quilt Called Old Town

 It's done!

The Old Town Mystery Quilt is finished. This quilt along started at Thanksgiving time last year and I just finished it.

I chose the Twist Feather Curl pattern from the built in designs on Freddie. 
This is the biggest quilt I've done on Freddie so far!
It's about 90" wide and square before quilting and finishing.
I used plain light gray minky for the backing. I couldn't find any other color wide backing.
Oopsy, it's been snowing and melting a few days now and of coursr, I had to flop one end onto the deck mess. 
Well, into the washer she goes!

Washes up great! Nice and crinkly like I like. 
You can see the quilting design better here. 

I like the way it came out and I'm glad to be done with this one!
Now on to the next project! But I need to tend to hubby for a day or two. He slipped in the ice and has a pretty bruised hip. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Marble Mystery Complete


So this is another mystery quilt from Meadow Mist Designs. 
It was about 40 degrees out so I got better pictures, but I need to remember that morning sun always makes a shadow on the quilt! The back is pretty wide backing I got from Marshall Dry Goods. 
I really had a lot of learning experiences with this quilting! You can see here, that the row above and the next row didn't match up correctly at all!  and ooo, if you could see the one edge-it crinkled up in a bad way, not even sure what I did to make Freddie hate me, but I say done is better than not done.
This quilt finished at something like 65"x65", so a throw size square. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

So Much to DO!


This is what's on Freddie right now.  It's the Old Town quilt from this years Bonnie K Hunter mystery quilt. 
I'm using a new to me design on it. I like it a lot. I've been struggling with alignment, so we'll see how this goes!
2nd area and we're OK so far! 
I got the taxes completed too! Turbo tax says I did a great job only 2 hours and 37 minutes! There's time I'll never get back....phew!!!! But the good news is I get enough back on the state taxes to pay the $200 that I owe on federal taxes-YAY!

Look at this cool latch I got for Bob's room. I have been tying this door closed with some string for years! I tie it just open enough so the cats can get in to eat their food, but Ringo cant get in to eat their food.  But most importantly, the toddler terrorist has learned to untie the string and get in the non child proof room! But no more ! Here's the DOOR BUDDY!  Door Buddy Link So far the toddler hasn't realized that he can turn the door knob to open it really easily. Shhhh, don't tell him!!!