
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Cleaned up to Enjoy July 4th Antique Sales

I spent some time getting the garage cleaned out after the yard sale! I wanted to be able to have this all done so I could go to the antique sales on the 4th of July.  All that's left now is the pair of bar stools, and the project chair.
Two truckloads to the Salvation Army store and one trip to the dump and one trip over to Bean's house. 
I'll probably keep the bar stools for now-good garage seating!
The project chair, I's cool and all, but I dunno......
and I have one bin of fabric that is left-it needs to go, I'm going to call the library and see if they would like it.  If they don't then-it's going to the buy nothing group.
The milkweeds are now blooming and smell so good!
SO, I went over to Amana to the Firecracker Forth Antique sale on Monday. 
 They had a LOT! 

But I thought a lot of the prices were pretty high! $85 for that Corelle matching pitcher!
I am still loving these metal picnic baskets, but I'll leave this one....$50
Here's a little surprise, a featherweight and priced at only $375, which is not too bad if it's working.

Lots to see, and it was crazy hot and muggy out so the indoor venue was good!
To much for these Christmas ornaments........
Look, this frog frog was $150.00...nope, not for me!
I loved seeing this basket! It is a real charmer!  The lid construction is really unique-probably a Hawkeye basket, But not for $139.00, the lady said she'd do $130, thank you, but not for me!

$45 for this basket......
Who knew ??? Pincushions? $15.00? What???

Now this was a really unique basket, I'm not sure what it was made to hold, likely not a picnic, but it was very nice! $275.00
So much to see in two buildings and a bit outdoors too. 
So on to Mount Vernon tomorrow on the 4th of July. 
The only bit of green glass I've seen so far! 
There was only one block of vendors this year , so it wasn't too bad in the heat of the day. 
I did find a picnic basket to come home with me only $3.00!! They had quite a few vendors over at the Backyard pickers store also in Mount Vernon. So I popped over there too. 
The Back Porch Pickers store is very big!

Hey, Lookie there, finally a piece of Jadeite!
Look at all of the pyrex!
And a little bit more of the green glass.....
Seemed like an OK price, but DD doesn't need any more plates like these. 
I would have bought a different basket while I was here, but the line to check out......
NOPE! I have one more sale to go to!
I head out to the Johnson County Fairgrounds for their annual sale. 
So much stuff, By far the biggest sale of the day!
And lookie here, green glass! I got a couple of things at this sale, so much fun stuff to look at. And I'm home by 2pm, to cool off!

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