
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Yard Sale, Patio and Dirty Work

 So the 13,14,15th was the city wide yard sale in North Liberty. I'm not sure who had the bright idea to yard sale for three days, but........

There were 260 yard sales listed on the group's social media. 

Dilly had the right idea I think. We spent 3 days moving stuff in and out of the garage as the weather changed. Andrew's Gramma had so much stuff! It was amazing. We'd get one tote emptied out and she'd magically appear with another one! 

Dilly and Drew made their own fun with the ball of string. 
So cute...and Dirty! Speaking of dirt....I hired an outfit to come and landscape a little bit of our back yard. American Outdoor Services came and got started on a new patio for us!

This is the backside of the house, the East side.
They'll be bringing in cement tomorrow. 
And they will be doing a drainage improvement in the front yard. Adding dirt and re routing the downspout drain so it goes away from the house better. 
But that means that the daylilies and other bulbs out front need to be dug up or they will be buried and die. DD came over and dug for two days to get them out to safety. It was so HOT, she worked so hard, now I hope they will survive until we get them back in!
Here's a before look at the side with the A/C all overgrown and weedy. 

And here it is ready for more work.

Here's the cement!

And here are Dilly's hand prints forever in the cement. He wanted to grab it, so they are a little claw-like, but WE all know who they belong to!
I'm loving this cement!

Look here the back is finished-they need to bring in a little bit of dirt, but it's too muddy after a lot of rain last night, so they will try to bring it on Monday. The guys started the work on the South side, and it's shaping up well. It's so HOT, these guys are really earning their money this week!

Doesn't that look nice? So much better than the weeds! American Outdoor Services Has done a great job so far.
Now just to get the front done, hopefully on Monday!

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